The Smithsonian’s Museum on Main Street, in cooperation with Vermont Humanities Council, presents “Crossroads: Change in Rural America.” The exhibition examining the evolving landscape of rural American opens at Chandler Gallery on February, 8th 2025. “Crossroads” will be on view through March, 22nd 2025. “Crossroads” explores how rural American communities changed in the 20th century. From sea to shining sea, the vast majority of the United States landscape remains rural with only 3.5% of the landmass considered urban. Since 1900, the percentage of Americans living in rural areas dropped from 60% to 17%. The exhibition looks at that remarkable societal change and how rural Americans responded. Americans have relied on rural crossroads for generations. These places where people gather to exchange goods, services and culture and to engage in political and community discussions are an important part of our cultural fabric. Despite the massive economic and demographic impacts brought on by these changes, America’s small towns continue to creatively focus on new opportunities for growth and development. Designed for small-town museums, libraries and cultural organizations, “Crossroads” will serve as a community meeting place for conversations about how rural America has changed. With the support and guidance of state humanities councils, these towns will develop complementary exhibits, host public programs and facilitate educational initiatives to raise people’s understanding about their own history, the joys and challenges of living rural, how change has impacted their community, and prompt discussion of goals for the future. The exhibition is part of Museum on Main Street, a unique collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES), state humanities councils across the nation, and local host institutions. To learn more about “Crossroads” and other Museum on Main Street exhibitions, visit Support for MoMS has been provided by the U.S. Congress. SITES has been sharing the wealth of Smithsonian collections and research programs with millions of people outside Washington, D.C., for more than 65 years. SITES connects Americans to their shared cultural heritage through a wide range of exhibitions about art, science and history, which are shown wherever people live, work and play. For exhibition description and tour schedules, visit

Vermont artists give this nationally touring exhibition a local complement as the work of Cecily Anderson, Jennifer Davey, Steve DePalma, Linda Diak, Carolyn Egeli, Amy Hook-Therrien, Woody Jackson, Davey Mace, and Jack Rowell will be featured to highlight the unique cultural landscape of our state.

Watch this video for a look inside the Smithsonian's nationally touring exhibition that Chandler will host through March 22, 2025.
Past Exhibits
Juxtaposition Show
September 13 - November 3, 2024
"Juxtaposition" featured the work of 21 regional artists working in mixed media, including collage, un-collage, assemblage, installations, prints and stamps.
Show curator David Powell writes, “A juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing two elements close together or side by side to compare the two.
The artists in this show have various objects with opportunities to have contrasting concepts in parallel structures. The matching of objects alters or adds to the original meaning of those concepts and reveals surprising relationships.”
Exhibiting artists include Gerry Bergstei, Gail Boyajian,
Vanessa Compton, Christensen, Janie Cohen, Richard Fedorchak, Luciana Frigerio, Leslie Fry, Kelly Holt, David Holub, Duncan Johnson, Jennifer Koch, Amy Morel, John Parker, Ben Peberdy, David Powell, Erika Schmidt, Susan Smereka, Athena Tasiopolis, Peter Thomashow, Charles Welch, and Elise Whittemore.

Nature's Palette
May 18 - July 6, 2024
The Chandler Gallery is thrilled to present 'Nature's Palette,' a celebration of the colors and textures found in nature, interpreted through the creative lens of over 50 talented local artists. This exhibition not only showcases the immense talent within our community but also serves as a reminder of the profound beauty that surrounds us every day.
Local art enthusiasts and nature lovers alike are invited to enjoy the stunning array of 2-D and 3-D artwork across various media, Tuesday-Saturday from Noon-5pm. Guests will have the opportunity to purchase prints and original works, allowing them to bring a piece of nature-inspired art into their own homes.
Attendees can expect to encounter a wide range of artistic styles and techniques, including drawing, painting, printing, illustration, photography, sculpture, mixed media, and decorative art. Whether it's the vibrant hues of a sunset, the serene shades of a forest, or the dynamic colors of wildlife, each piece reflects the artist's unique interpretation of nature's palette.

The Artistic Journey
May 30 - July 4, 2024
Vermont’s Youth Art Month Celebrations are taking to the road in 2024 and bringing Student Art to all corners of our state in Vermont Welcome Center and Galleries displays. This “Artistic Journey” begins in art classrooms and students' imaginations and ends with our local exhibit at Chandler Gallery.
Schools represented will be Bethel Elementary, Braintree Elementary, Brookfield Elementary, South Royalton Elementary, Ripton Elementary School, Randolph Elementary School, White River Valley Middle School, White River Valley Middle School and Randolph Union High School. There will be work from more than 500 creative imaginations who are learning the skills to communicate and express themselves through art curriculum in our area schools.
Trichromancy: Color Divination
February 3 - March 16, 2024
Curated by Fern Strong and Jeannie Catmull, Trichromancy
focuses on color & fiber. This ranges from hand-dyed techniques
to textile and felted pieces where color plays a vital role in the work, and also to mixed media pieces where one of the primary elements is fiber.
More than 130 diverse pieces by some 60 artists are on view: weavings, quilts, embroidery, crochet, sewn garments, jewelry, and felted wool and silk slippers.

Timeless Art
August 26 - November 5, 2023
“Timeless Art” Featuring the paintings of Carolyn Egeli and the sculptures of Chris Wilson, will be on display at the Chandler Gallery in Randolph, Vermont beginning on August 26th, 2023, and running through November 5th. These masterful realistic artists capture the beauty and detail of the world around them in a timeless classical tradition. An opening will be held Saturday, August 26th from 6-8 pm, with both artists present to represent their work.
Carolyn Egeli is a classically trained oil painter with decades of experience who reflects the landscape and people around her. She has made a very successful living as a professional artist and supported her family with commissions and gallery sales. This Chandler exhibit will show some of her Vermont landscapes, portraits, and marines from her early years in Maryland.
Christopher Wilson’s love of the sculptural form began at an early age. At 13, he studied with Milton Kramer of Springfield, OH. After High School, Chris served in the US Air Force, sculpting gold dental crowns and dentures. After completing his Doctorate in Dentistry at The Ohio State University, Dr. Wilson built a thriving dental practice in Vermont.
As a sculptor, Chris has studied with Jerry Williams of Barre, VT, and has received sculpting and anatomy instruction from Richard MacDonald and Andrew Cawrse. He has participated in multiple workshops conducted by Bruno Lucchesi and Philippe Faraut. Wilson has taught classes at the Ava Gallery in Lebanon, NH, and provides private sculpting instruction.

Tidy Crimes of Personhood
July 7 - August 18, 2023
Chandler Gallery is thrilled to announce the opening of “Tidy Crimes of Personhood” their newest exhibition featuring works by Caleb Yono, Joey Tatlock, Jordan Turk, and Sofia Moreno.
This show features drawings, paintings, printmaking, and collage works on paper that imagines femme futures and documents the experiences of each artist navigating gender as trans and nonconforming individuals. There are few subjects in art as historically relevant and widely discussed as the nude. Throughout history, nudity continues to be a cultural lightning rod and mirror of attitudes toward bodies of all gender. Each of the four artists included in Tidy Crimes engages with its history and reflects the artist’s experience in order to arrive at visual language that is expansive and compelling in our current political climate where trans bodies are categorized as deviant or even criminal.
This exhibition includes mature content and nudity.
TIDY CRIMES Talk with Artist Che Gossett

May 13 – July 1, 2023
The theme of Chandler's latest local area art show, “RE:VISIONS”, is open to artistic interpretation.
As revisions reflect an act of changing, reevaluating, improving many aspects of our lives, and changing phases, we are exhibiting a diverse collection of colorful 2-D and 3-D art in all media: drawing, painting, printing, illustration, photography, digital art, sculpture, video, mixed media, and decorative art (textiles, glass, wood, metal, ceramics, mosaic, paper, or other techniques).
RE:VISIONS can be interpreted representationally or symbolically: How do you see events and objects as time goes on? Do you ever revisit your earlier creations and give them a different twist? What makes you pause and revisit familiar things and events that bring new emotions and ideas, or look at your experiences closer?
We will be hosting an opening reception for RE:VISIONS May 13,
5 :30 – 7 pm

Vermont Voices
March 18th - April 29th
Vermont Voices is a collection of student art from area schools. This annual exhibit will feature work from students in preschool through high school in a colorful and inspiring collection of art in diverse mediums and styles. Schools represented will be Bethel Elementary, Braintree Elementary, Brookfield Elementary, Randolph Elementary, Randolph Union High School, and the White River Valley Middle School.
This exhibit that celebrates Youth Art Month will have an opening reception for Artists, Families, and the community on Sunday, March 19 from 2-4 pm. On top of seeing the student art, there will be refreshments and a scavenger hunt with prizes sponsored by the Randolph Elementary PTO.
One way the Vermont Voices theme has been interpreted by schools and students is to focus on Vermont wildlife and there will be striking pastels of Vermont animals, flowers, and vegetables by RUHS students. There will also be a series of nocturnal animals created by RES first and second graders in a series called ‘Moon Light In Vermont”. There will be mushrooms and other fungi as well.
There will also be creative maps of Vermont, one of which highlights local attractions and another Which focuses on Vermont state symbols.
Chandler Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 am - 6 pm. Look for additional Earth Day workshops later in April.

February 3rd - March 4th
Starting in the 1970’s, a new movement formed out of the disillusionment of failed promises of free love. Punk music and it’s stripped down, raw, and fast sound would evolve in to a culture of people that created their own world, their own community and family, and their own space with their own hands.
The Do It Yourself (DIY) movement started with music, but would branch out into the rest of the arts. Fanzines (fan•zeenz) were a way for kids to distribute their message to others, helping to grow the culture, the community, and their chosen family.
Our newest show celebrates the Femme (An identity or presentation that leans towards femininity) DIY spirit as well as the necessity to shout out the message of “We are here, we exist, acknowledge us!”
Zine makers from all over (with a focus on local artists) will have their work and message on display and available for reading and purchase in the Chandler Main Gallery from February 3rd to March 4th

Vermont Vistas
September 17th - November 5th
The recent exhibit at Chandler Gallery in Randolph, Vermont entitled Vermont Vistas: Seasonal Views From Regional Printmakers celebrates the natural beauty of our environment. The exhibiting area artists Jeanne Amato, Matt Brown, Janet Cathey, Carol MacDonald, Maureen O’Connor Burgess, and Jeannie Podolak use a range of relief and monoprinting techniques to present their personal connections to the land. The public is invited to the opening reception on Saturday, September 24 from 5-6:30 to meet the artists and learn more about their perspectives.
Many of the artists use the relief printing technique of woodblocks but exhibit a variety of approaches. Sharon artist Jeanne Amato continues in the technical and expressive style of her mentor Sabra Field. She says her work tries to capture “a vignette of a place, a moment in time. More importantly, it’s a personal reflection of the connection I have with that place, in that season, at that moment” Matt Brown who also creates woodblock prints inspired by Japanese Hanga prints and the ways pictorial simplicity is encouraged, the way an image is separated into parts and put back together, the way the translucent colors blend and juxtapose, the way the wood interacts with the paper. Randolph Artist Janet Cathey, also expressively uses this technique to capture the ephemeral effects of water and the changing seasons.
Carol MacDonald uses monoprinting and lithography to “...tug at the threads of our shared humanity, addressing issues of community, life, transition, process and communication” using birds as a focal point in her expressive prints. Jeannie Podolak also uses monoprinting focusing on the image of the moon. She poetically reflects that “The heartache of Covid lockdown brought missing physical touch of family. It was in those lonely nights, watching the moon rise in my field, did I realize I was not alone. My view was also being shared globally” Maureen O'Connor Burgress creates more free-form abstract monoprints referring to memories of place. She states “When I leave a place, I take with me the color of that place...the mist after rainfall in the valley; the perfect blue September sky; dark, majestic stands of trees with sky peeking through and snow melt at their feet.”
Viewers will experience some of the calming and reflective effects of interacting with the Vermont Landscape as they see these prints arranged by season. The exhibit continues in the lower Gallery and runs through Saturday, November 5th.
Vermont Vistas is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11-6 pm, during Chandler performances, and is free of charge. Printmaking is an affordable art form because most techniques produce multiples so consider them as a thoughtful and memorable gift. The Gallery is located at 71 N. Main Street in Randolph Vermont.

Whose New World?
June 19th - September 4th
In “Whose New World?,” the summer exhibit at Chandler Gallery in Randolph, Vermont, nine regional artists use a variety of mediums to explore social justice issues that are of concern to artists, and everyone, in our post-colonial and environmentally fragile world. The works address displaced people, environmental and societal injustice, and limiting social constructs about gender identity. Through their paintings, multimedia sculptures, large-scale ceramic pieces, prints, collages, and digital images, the artists reflect on the world today and communicate their visions for a new, more equitable world. Designed to intersect with the Vermont Social Justice Festival, the exhibit runs from June 19-September 24, 2022.
The exhibiting multigenerational artists bring different perspectives and priorities to their messages about envisioning an equitable New World. Jordan Turk uses mixed media to explore how clothing limits our gender expression and Harlan Mack uses sculptural forms and construction to address racial identities. Marina Leybishkis’s mixed-media sculptural work raises our awareness of refugees and migrants as she explores those experiencing displacement. Ann Young’s realistic paintings evoke empathy for our shared humanity. Lauren Buschek’s large-scale sculptural ceramic pieces focus on empowerment and trauma to the female body. Jim Robinson uses digital imaging techniques to address environmental and societal injustices and Tara Goreau’s paintings are cautionary tales about societal inequities.
John Vincent and Rachi Farrow use text but with different visual perspectives in their letterpress prints and paintings to convey messages of environmental concerns
There will be an opening reception for Artists and the community on Saturday, June 25th from 4-5:30. Come and continue imagining a just and equitable New World for all the beings on the planet.

Be the Change
March 26 - April 30
The Gallery at Chandler opens its annual student art exhibit, titled “Be the Change,” at noon Saturday, March 26. The free exhibit, which runs through April 30, is part of the nationwide Youth Art Month celebration and is coordinated with the Vermont Art Educators Association.
“‘Be the Change’ lets area students’ amazing art take center stage as they visually communicate their visions for the future,” said Gallery Committee Co-Chair Rebbie Carleton. “The exhibit is concerned with student voices and their visions about how we can creatively imagine a better world. Some of the work is concerned with the environment and other pieces speak to relationships closer to home. All of it is heartfelt and thought-provoking.”
Among the exhibit are pieces about spreading kindness and taking care of others, and cleaning up the ocean. Featured artists attend pre-kindergarten through high school at Bethel Elementary, Brookfield School, Braintree School, Randolph Elementary, Randolph Union High School, and White River Valley Middle School.
Additionally, plans are underway at the Gallery for a “Be the Change” Artist pARTy at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 2, as well as activities for Earth Day.
Chandler Gallery is located at 71 N. Main St. in Randolph, and during exhibits is open from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. Additionally, the Gallery is open during all Chandler performances and other events. For more information, visit, email, or call 802-728-9878.
*Pictured here is one of the "Save Life on Earth" Alphabet Tiles by Randolph Elementary School for the "Be the Change" exhibit.

Voices of Home
Feb. 8 - March 19
Brought to Chandler by the Vermont Folklife Center, Voices of Home explores the experiences of Vermonters living in affordable housing through audio recordings and painted portraits.
Voices of Home is an audio-visual storytelling project launched in 2015 by Corrine Yonce when she served as an Americorps VISTA volunteer with the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition. The exhibit brings together work from two of Yonce’s collaborative efforts, Voices of South Burlington Community Housing and Voices of Decker Towers.
Yonce envisioned Voices of Home as a way to “erase the stigma surrounding affordable housing communities and educate our friends and neighbors about the importance of a stable, reasonably priced home in helping people lead fulfilling lives.” Through the project she interviewed residents in a number of Vermont affordable housing communities, engaged with them through their stories, and learned how having affordable homes impacted their lives. She recorded those conversations and subsequently paired the recordings with painted portraits of each interviewee.
Yonce’s work compellingly combines visual art—painting and mixed media—with audio, manifesting a creative and engaging approach to documentary that highlights (in form as well as content) the human, and humane, aspects of sharing the experiences of others.

Changing Seasons: Innovations After 70
Oct. 3 - Nov. 6
A new exhibit in Chandler Gallery counters the bias that new ideas are mostly generated by the young by showcasing artists who have been working for seven decades or longer. Titled “Changing Seasons: Innovations After 70,” the exhibit runs Oct. 3-Nov. 6 and is free and open to the public.
The show opens Chandler’s 2021-2022 gallery season, which is devoted to looking at the unconscious biases we hold and reframe them through the arts in thought-provoking ways. Plans are underway to finish the season with a Social Justice Festival next summer.
Chandler Gallery is located at 71 N. Main St. in Randolph, and during exhibits is open from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday.
Pictured here: "reparations (artists)" 2021: collage oil painting on wood panel; Alexandra Bottinelli of Hardwick, VT

Hidden Messages:
Old and New ,
A Fiber Arts Exhibition
Summer Invitational
July 10 - Sept 6
The Chandler Center for the Arts will be featuring work by Fiber Artist who break the boundaries of traditional fabric work. This exhibition will feature contemporary fiber arts in an exploration of meaning behind each work.
Examples of the work from the SDA Artists can be seen in their online gallery.
There will be an opening reception on July 17th 4-7pm
This is a collaboration with the our neighbor, the White River Craft Center, who will be exhibiting artist's work of traditional quilting techniques in their main gallery. Learn more about this portion of the show at
Coinciding with these exhibitions will be the East Valley Community Groups town-wide Porch Quilt Scavenger Hunt.

Area Artist Exhibit
May 8 - June 26
** Closing Reception Saturday 4-6 **
“KALEIDOSCOPE” is open to your artistic interpretation. As kaleidoscope reflects an endless variety of colors, patterns and changing phases, we are exhibiting a diverse collection of colorful 2-D and 3-D art in all media: drawing, painting, printing, illustration, photography, digital art, sculpture, video, mixed media, and decorative art (textiles and material, glass, wood, metal, ceramics, mosaic, paper or other techniques). The theme KALEIDOSCOPE can be interpreted representationally or symbolically: How do you see colors, shapes and patterns of changing life? What makes you pause and look at one of these patterns loser?
Community Pop-up Art Installation
April 22 - April 24
Community Collaborative Art installation
Celebrate the 51st Anniversary of Earth Day
Chandler is celebrating Earth Day 2021 with our second vibrant community art installation. This Earth Day art celebration will showcase the I Am Here Student Art Exhibition in the Chandler Gallery and invites all community members to join. Here’s a few ways to participate:
Make a tree charm with recycled materials! Pick up supplies at the Chandler Gallery on April 17th from 12-4pm or April 22nd 5-7pm - or use what you have at home! Bring your creation to Chandler on Earth Day, Thursday April 22nd through Saturday April 24th and hang with the other Earth Day artwork.
Artists are invited to display your artwork in front of the Chandler during the installation. We are asking people to consider materials that can be displayed outside and are reflective of a reduce and recycle ethos. Please email if you plan to display or have questions.
Chalk drawing on the sidewalk! Stop by between 10am-4pm on Saturday, April 24th and have fun!
The installation will be located in front of the Chandler Center for the Arts (71 N Main Street Randolph VT), this outdoor drive-by or walk–by installation will be on view Thursday, April 22nd (Earth Day) through Saturday, April 24th. To follow COVID health precautions we ask that people keep distance (6-10 feet) from one another and wear masks. Please contact Jess, (, community partner White River Craft Center, with any additional questions. We look forward to celebrating our planet Earth!

Chandler's 2021 Student Art Exhibit
March 27 - April 25
In 2020 Chandler Gallery’s student art exhibit opened 2 days before we began stay-at-home orders due to the Covid19 pandemic resulting in schools shutting down and the exhibit closed. On March 27 2021 the Gallery will reopen for the Spring season with student voices asserting I AM HERE through their artistic creations. Area schools including Randolph Elementary School, Remote OSSD elementary art classes, Randolph Union High School, Brookfield Elementary, Braintree Elementary, Bethel Elementary, and the White River Valley Middle School will exhibit work from students preschool through high school.